TRINITY is the result of 10 years of research and development. It utilizes a modular design for: Faster development and production times. Easier upgrades and fixes.
TRINITY takes part in ERC2019
The 2019 European Rover Challenge (ERC) was DIANA’s second competition, with TRINITY being their entry.
T0-R0 is the first DIANA’s rover developed to partecipate in the European Rover Challenge
T0-R0 partecipate to first team's ERC
In DIANA’s first official competition, T0-R0 tackled the challenges of the Mars Yard, marking the team’s debut.
Lunar-grade wheels
Navigation system based on computer vision.
Active suspension system
Designed and developed Google Lunar X-Prize
Google Lunar X Price
The Competition
The Rover
The Competition
A competition that aimed to open the doors of space exploration to entrepreneurs and Teams, giving them the opportunity to showcase their work and business models by completing a full Lunar mission, from the launch and landing, to lunar walk and data transmission!
The Rover
For this mission we were given the task of building the rover that had to be launched to the moon to complete the assigned tasks. The competition lasted several years during which Team DIANA produced 3 different prototypes named Amalia, last of which included a patented set of innovative wheels, automatic navigation with computer vision and an active suspension system!