• TRINITY is the result of 10 years of research and development.
    It utilizes a modular design for:
    Faster development and production times.
    Easier upgrades and fixes.

TRINITY takes part in ERC2019

The 2019 European Rover Challenge (ERC) was DIANA’s second competition, with TRINITY being their entry.


  • T0-R0 is the first DIANA’s rover developed to partecipate in the European Rover Challenge

T0-R0 partecipate to first team's ERC

In DIANA’s first official competition, T0-R0 tackled the challenges of the Mars Yard, marking the team’s debut.


  • Lunar-grade wheels
  • Navigation system based on computer vision.
  • Active suspension system
  • Designed and developed Google Lunar X-Prize

Google Lunar X Price​

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